NEW! Opening of a new office in Trois‑Pistoles!
Contact us 418 580-9232
Quebec City Web Agency
A team that is attentive to your needs!
Our experienced team is specialized in web development and gives you the opportunity to get the outstanding website that you need. Don’t overlook the importance of your web presence! Contact us to get a quote or some advice. Our team is here for you.
Web Design
Responsive Websites
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media
Online Store
Marketing / Newsletters
We make your life easier!
We have your best interests at heart! Our websites use WordPress, which lets you manage your own content and be autonomous when it comes to updating your website. You will receive a short course in order to familiarize yourself with the platform and to teach you how to use it properly. However, it is always possible for you to let us take care of your updates and content changes for an affordable annual price.
We have the best graphic design team to meet all of your needs!
We offer completely customized websites that will meet all of your company’s needs in a detailed and personalized manner. We can also take care of your brand image to harmonize your website with your global branding. Contact us to tell us about your project and get a quote!
Our team is here for you!
Get in touch
275 rue du Parvis, suite 512 Québec (QC) G1K 6G7
Québec 418 522-4523
Trois-Pistoles 418 580-9232
Webologie is a division of Pige communication, a graphic design agency